The Vernal School Environmental Education Partnership is a collaboration effort of multiple groups all committed to providing a safe, impactful experience to engage, educate and empower people of all ages, skillsets and backgrounds to become the next generation of stewards for our natural resources. This involves having meaningful experiences in nature, incorporating newly developed STEELS (Science, Technology & Engineering, Environmental Literacy and Sustainability) standards and encouraged to hone creative problem-solving skills.
Pulling together programming for this schooling are the following two contacts:
Pulling together programming for this schooling are the following two contacts:
Program Coordinator
John Zaktansky is the Middle Susquehanna Riverkeeper and helps coordinate the Vernal School partnership as an extension of the association's mission to better education people across an 11,000 square-mile watershed about important environmental issues. You can contact him at 570.768.6300 or [email protected]
Program Supervisor
Marissa Crames is a passionate advocate for outdoor resources, spending her free time hiking, camping and exploring all facets of nature with her son, Liam, and volunteering her time at multiple levels in the local Scout council and Middle Susquehanna Riverkeeper Association. She helps coordinate programming, schedule events and secure funding for long-term stability of the program. You can contact her at 570.850.1166 or [email protected]
Partners who have committed to this special collaboration include:The Middle Susquehanna Riverkeeper Association is a nonprofit serving an 11,000 square-mile watershed that strives to protect and promote the health and vibrancy of the Susquehanna River, its tributaries and the aquatic ecosystem across more than 20 counties in central, northcentral and northeast Pennsylvania.
- Montour Area Recreation Commission
- Central Susquehanna Intermediate Unit
- Susquehanna University’s Center for Environmental Education and Research (CEER)
- 1994 Charles B. Degenstein Foundation
- Bucknell University Department of Environmental Studies
- Columbia County Conservation District
- Lee A. Viard & Associates PC
- Columbia-Montour Visitor Bureau
- Get Lost Photography/Videography
- Fessler IT Consulting
- Wild Trout Man
- Department of Environmental Protection (DEP)
- Susquehanna River Basin Commission (SRBC)
- Lycoming College Clean Water Institute
- Bloomsburg University
- Pennsylvania Master Naturalists
- PA Fish and Boat Commission and Game Commission
- Susquehanna Council Boy Scouts of America
- Central PA Rock and Mineral Club
- Eastern PA Coalition for Abandoned Mine Reclamation
- Columbia-Montour Chamber of Commerce
- Greater Susquehanna Valley Chamber of Commerce